I know that I have done this post already, but since I have gotten a few new followers and I haven't posted for *cough* a longggg time *cough* I thought this would be fun to do again!
1. I am extremely OCD.
LOL I sound like one of those crazy ladies from one of the shows on TLC. But I really think I am. I need to have everything in order or else I get upset and my whole day is ruined.
2. I drink a lot of tea.
I have an obsession with tea. I think I drink up to 5 cups a day! But tea is mainly good for you; it helps me relax, and I don't drink much water (I know it's horrible!) so it's a pretty good substitution.
Oh, and my favorite "tea drink" is green tea with macha (like little leaves) with 1 teaspoon of honey and some lemon. Mmmmm...
3. My passion is Biology.
I loveeee Biology and can go on and on forever about micro-organisms, sulfides, and systematics, but I won't. Unfortunately, they don't get paid a lot so I am going to go into pre-med major.
I think I love it so much because I grew up among nature and was outside a lot, so naturally my curiosity developed.
4. My hair is naturally wavy and dirty blonde/ ash brown.
5. I'm from New York.
I know some of you may ask why I'm all of the sudden writing about where I'm from if before I said that I wouldn't tell because of safety reasons (long sentence aha). Well, I really don't think (and hope) that any one is going to stalk me. LOL. And I always read about how people want to visit New York or it's their dream, and I feel lucky to be in such an amazing place.
Bye loves!
xoxo, Lera